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Pacific Northwest Library Association

Young Reader’s Choice Award

Logo for Young Reader's Choice AwardSince 1940 young readers in the Pacific Northwest have been participating in the Young Reader’s Choice Award (YRCA). The award was established in 1940 by Harry Hartman, a Seattle bookseller, who believed every student should have an opportunity to select a book that gives him or her pleasure. The Young Reader’s Choice Award is sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Library Association and continues to be the longest-running children’s choice book award. It is also the only international award with young readers in both the United States and Canada participating in the program.

YRCA State and Provincial Representatives

For questions or inquiries about YRCA please email yrcachair@gmail.com

YRCA Voting

How do we vote?

Each participating institution may design its own ballot or print use the online ballots below. If designing your own ballot, email compiled results to the YRCA Chair or State/Provincial YRCA Reps, during the voting period. Compiled results can be sent by email. All ballots MUST be received by April 15 to be counted. If you have any questions about the ballot or voting procedures, please contact the YRCA Chair.

Who can vote?

Anyone in grades four through twelve in the Pacific Northwest who has read (or has heard read) a title(s) from the list.

When do we vote?

Between March 15 and April 15.

Where do we vote?

Generally, in a student’s school library but a participating public library may also conduct balloting.

Where should we send the ballots?

The voting on YRCA nominees will take place between March 15th and April 15. Use your own print ballot, one downloaded from the YRCA nominations page, or our online voting (see below) to compile votes and submit to the YRCA Chair or YRCA Reps by April 15.

Click on the link for your State or Province to vote or submit votes for a group for YRCA 2025:

Ballots are open!

When are the winners announced?

The official announcement will be released on or before April 30, 2025.

Who are the 2026 YRCA Nominees?

View the 2026 YRCA nominees.

Pacific Northwest Library Association 

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