PNLA Virtual Conference: Reach Further
August 7–9, 2025
We are excited to invite you to the PNLA Virtual Conference, happening August 7–9, 2025.
This year’s theme, Reach Further: Connecting Libraries Beyond the Screen, celebrates the power of libraries across the Pacific Northwest coming together online in meaningful and transformative ways.
PNLA represents library professionals from Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and beyond. What better way to connect than through virtual spaces? This conference is an opportunity to forge connections beyond physical borders, expand access to knowledge, and collaborate in ways that transcend distance.
Whether you work in an academic, public, school, or special library, this conference is designed to inspire, inform, and connect. Through thought-provoking keynotes, inspiring presentations and innovative vendors we will go beyond the screen and make meaningful connections that will strengthen our libraries and the communities we serve.
Starr White, President. PNLA
All times are Mountain Daylight Time Zone (MDT)
Download the conference scheduleIn her professional and personal life, Allison Brown aims to make a positive impact in every environment she enters. As a healthcare professional and professional speaker, Allison recently completed her master’s in public health from New Mexico State University and continues to engage in impactful community work. She has contributed to multiple monthly and biweekly publications and has presented at numerous healthcare and professional conferences.
Through her platform, "A Brown Girl Speaks," Allison Brown advocates for productivity through authenticity. Her presentations encourage individuals to express their true selves in all situations, aiming to empower more people to effectively utilize their voices. Allison is committed to disseminating this message broadly to foster greater self-expression and authenticity in others.
is the Manager of Collections at the Ottawa Public Library, the largest bilingual library system in North America. He has a Master's of English, specializing in North American fiction and is a passionate reader of both Canadian and American fiction.
is the Continuing Education Consultant for the Idaho Commission for Libraries, where she connects the people who work in all types of libraries to provide training and support to reach their future goals. She has experience working in academic and public libraries (her very first job was as a teenage library page in her local public library) and has earned certificates in strategic foresight, facilitation, and instructional design.