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Pacific Northwest Library Association

2013 Conference Sessions

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Program at a Glance

Making Assessment Matter Data isn’t useful in itself, but when a library assessment strategy drives, and is driven by, the library’s vision and mission, it’s elemental to affecting change. This session will talk about building a vital assessment strategy for an academic library. Topics will include types of assessment, prerequisites for success, building a culture of assessment, determining what to measure, what not to measure, and when to stop, choosing the right instrument, common problems, and using evidence for decision making. Attendees leave with a toolkit for building and implementing an assessment strategy that matters. Ellie Dworak, Carolyn Adams, ID
Advocacy in Action ~ Turning the Page Learn how to tell your library’s story and maximize the return on fundraising efforts in your community. Turning the Page Online is a FREE library advocacy training course developed and presented by the Public Library Association (PLA) with generous support from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Shirley & Jennifer will be facilitating the 6-week online course for any PNLA library. In this blended learning course, library staff and supporters will learn how to create and tell their library's story, deliver effective presentations, develop a compelling case for support, and build sustainable partnerships. Upon completion of the 6-week course you will have an advocacy action plan for your library! Join us to learn how you or members of your library can participate. Shirley Biladeau, ID and Jennifer Fenton, WA
Cross-Cultural Competence for Libraries As libraries struggle to recruit and retain staff members from underrepresented ethnic and cultural groups, alternative strategies must be advanced to more competently assess and meet the needs of the increasingly diverse American population in all aspects of librarianship. Training in cross-cultural competence for all library staff may help libraries become more adept at serving their multiethnic patrons. This presentation will examine concepts in cross-cultural awareness and how they can apply to libraries. Through cross-cultural training we may gain the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills to overcome a variety of biases and assumptions. Overcoming these obstacles could engender a broader vision of the value and usability of materials, a reassessment of programming and outreach, and a renewed commitment to public service with an informed sensitivity to the varied populations served. Elizabeth Ramsey, ID
Civic Engagement Through Service Learning Many schools and universities are encouraging a new model of teaching students civic engagement: Service Learning. Librarians can ensure the unique research needs of these classes are met by incorporating information literacy into service-learning courses. Effective integration into these classes prepares students for the unique information landscapes of service environments and prepares them to make a contribution to their communities. Learn different strategies for integrating information literacy instruction into service-learning courses, consider the variety of new and different kinds of sources to include, and the steps for planning and implementing a successful collaboration between your library and service learning instructors. Megan Stark, MT
Growing Our Own: Cultivating Leaders Join past PNLA Leads participants and mentors for an interactive discussion about library leadership, traits of leaders, and leading from any position. Mary DeWalt, ID
Beyond bestsellers: Tools for Assessing and Developing Deeper Genre Fiction Collections When we think about collection development, it is easy to gloss over the decision process used for selecting popular fiction. However, a well-developed genre collection can help turn occasional patrons into library regulars by giving them the motivation to return even after they have finished the latest blockbuster. Delving into midlist, and even niche, titles can be a great way to earn loyalty from avid readers and maybe even create some new book lovers and library supporters! Discover tools and resources for making informed genre collection decisions, even about genres you may know little about. Robert Perret, ID
Cultivating Sustainable Practices: Faculty Evaluations of an Embedded Librarianship Strategy Many models of embedded librarianship require a significant investment of librarians’ time and energy. A commonly-used alternative to these intensive models of embedding--using a library “widget” in the campus learning management system (LMS)--requires considerably less time and attention from librarians. But how valuable is this style of embedded service to our users? This presentation will share the results of a study on faculty perceptions of passive embedding strategies. Our data will inform librarians’ decisions about the value of investing time and energy in intensive embedding strategies, versus pursuing automated strategies such as library widgets in the campus LMS. Karen Munro and Amy Hofer, OR
Planning for Safety in a Customer Service World A practical discussion on what directors and supervisors can do to prepare staff for difficult, even unsafe interactions with the general public using customer service principles, prepared tools and resources, and a good dose of common sense. Elizabeth Jonkel and Honore Bray, MT
Grounded in Community: Calgary Public Library Grows Community Gardens What do community gardens have to do with libraries? If you want to grow your community, consider growing a garden. Two Customer Service Managers from Calgary Public Library will share their unique experiences in leading volunteers to grow community–led gardens for the Library’s centennial. Hosting community gardens has lead to enhanced community engagement and civic pride, intergenerational cooperation, and innovative program and partnership opportunities. Carole Marion, Calgary, AB
New Adult for the Young Adult Librarian New Adult has been making headlines and is a hot button topic between authors, bloggers and publishing professionals, but New Adult books aren’t new—they’re the stepping stones between young adult and adult literature and include such classics as Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn. New Adult for the Young Adult Librarian will explore the genre of New Adult, N/A classics, and new voices in N/A, as well as how youth librarians can utilize N/A to keep their teens interested in reading and library services. Teri Brown, OR
Library Gems: Qualities that Make You Shine What qualities are necessary for excellence in librarianship? Let’s learn from exemplary librarians in history and current librarians throughout the USA and Canada. This motivational session by an experienced speaker and performer will hand you crystals of thought and inspiration and enhance your time in the Gem State. The session will be interactive, lively, and sparkling! Cheryl J. Heser, MT
Using Vendor Assistance in a Small Library The outsourcing of technical services is increasing in today’s public library operations. This session will analyze the value and efficiency of purchase consolidation and the efficiency of vendor versus staff processing and cataloging of materials. Research for the session is comprised of a review of literature, research paper and examination of vendor services in relation to the current Port Townsend Public Library technical services model. Keith Darrock, WA
Getting Great Federal, State, and NGO Websites to Your Patrons Don’t leave your patrons to founder in the sea of websites. Choose them with care, promote them, catalog them, and help this valuable information get into the hands of students and faculty. This session will focus on Who (cares?), Where (to find reviews of websites), When (NOW!), and HOW (to embed them in LibGuides, to create custom Google Searches, to catalog them from WorldCat records) and Why (Because it’s good stuff, timely, geographically and disciplinary specific). Kellian Clink, MN Alaska Catches the Spirit of Reading and So Can You In 2007, three Alaska librarians asked the question “What if every Alaskan could join the same book club?” The answer was the Alaska Spirit of Reading program that is celebrating its fifth year of spreading the joy of reading throughout the Last Frontier. The program has provided free books and low cost author visits to school, academic and public libraries from Sitka to Barrow. The program has also included statewide media events including radio call in shows, an interactive blog, dynamic website and virtual author appearances. By selecting the right authors the program has been successful in reaching reluctant readers and promoting family literacy. Funded by the Alaska State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library services, the statewide program is co-sponsored by the Alaska Association of School Librarians. The 2012-2013 program features author Rukhsana Khan. Previous authors have included Will Hobbs, Roland Smith, Ben Mikaelsen, Ishmael Hope and Dimi Marcheras. Ginny Blackson and Kari Sagel, AK
eBooks, Mobile Devices, and the Student Experience Boise State University has actively explored integration of mobile devices and eContent into the student educational experience. From fall 2010 through summer 2012, classes of social work and nursing students were provided devices (iPads or netbooks) and eResources supporting their curriculum and/or academic discipline. Each semester’s research project included rigorous assessment of student participants. This presentation will focus on research findings from pre- and post- student surveys and student focus groups. Students were asked to assess best uses of devices and eBooks as well as potential limitations. Barbara Glackin & Dr. Roy Rodenhiser, ID
Password Security and Management How many passwords do you have to remember for your library? How many are for your own library accounts? How many are for the library’s databases or materials accounts? For social networking? Are these passwords secure? Safe? Unhackable? How many of those passwords must be shared with your coworkers? Libraries everywhere struggle with passwords every day, and security is always a concern. Attend this session to learn how to ensure your passwords are safe, secure, and easily managed. Jezmynne Dene, ID
Health on the Range Participants will explore common rural health issues as well as a wide variety of quality health information resources from the National Library of Medicine that librarians point consumers and researchers to in order to better understand health issues and be prepared to ask better questions of their health care providers. Grant opportunities for libraries in Pacific Northwest states will also be discussed. While grant opportunities are exclusive to US libraries, all attendees will find the spectrum of NLM health resources to be useful for serving their patrons’ information needs. Mary Anne Hansen, MT
Coming Full Circle: The Strategic Planning Process In 2009-2010 the MSU Library undertook a strategic planning process which resulted in a Mid-range plan. This effort was the first of its kind for this organization. In spring 2012, there was a need to begin the planning cycle again and to bring the Library’s plan into alignment with the University Strategic Plan. This presentation will address the initial planning process, the progress made to the Mid-range plan, and the steps to aligning the Library’s plan with the University Plan. Amy Foster, MT
Can We Talk? Bridging the Gap between Oral Culture and Print Culture Oral culture orientation is a main determinant of poverty. This session will focus on how to assist oral culture individuals in gaining the print culture skills necessary to be successful in their own and their family’s education. When family members have the skills and the confidence to master print culture skills they can be their child’s first and best teacher. Find out how libraries can help to bridge that gap between oral and print culture. Julie Armstrong and Stephanie Bailey-White, ID
Extending Our Roots: Library Outreach to Incarcerated Populations Libraries have a responsibility to serve every patron and extend our roots while maintaining relevancy. Understanding the active role libraries have in partnering with jails reveals the benefit for both communities and the libraries. With a focus on the importance of outreach and innovation, this presentation will cultivate an understanding of the theoretical framework behind implementing a library and jail partnership, the benefits of such a partnership, and the differences between jails and prisons. As a group we will discuss key aspects of implementation, including materials, censorship, logistics, barriers, and partnership possibilities. Erin Ziegenfuss, ID and Audra Green, BC
Digital Fluency: All Hands On Deck! The Mobile Learning Initiative at Boise State University identified a campus need -- to fortify students’ and faculty’s digital fluency skills. Teaching digital fluency skills to our users is no single discipline’s responsibility, but all are impacted by our users’ level of expertise with everything from attaching attachments to email to using mobile devices to creating multimedia presentations. Librarians often feel the brunt of these issues at our services desks and in instruction sessions where we must triage information literacy skills by teaching digital fluency skills instead. Librarians are working to bridge the digital divide through cross-campus collaborations. Carrie Moore and Amy Vecchione, ID
Assessment of Library Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries Libraries need to be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of their library instruction programs. How can librarians measure student learning in one­-shot sessions? At the University of Idaho Library, we have used a combination of pre-­ and post­-instruction surveys as well as evaluations of research bibliographies using rubrics. I will share our assessment methods and rubrics, the challenges UI librarians have encountered during our assessment journey and how assessment has improved our instruction program. Participants will be encouraged to share their own assessment experience and will be given examples of materials they can use to assess their own instruction programs. Diane Prorak, ID
Transforming Life After 50: Idaho’s Initiative to Increase Programming for Mid-Life Adults During 2010 and 2011 more than 90 public library staff throughout the U.S. participated in a fellowship focusing on enhancing programming for those 50 and older. At the completion of the fellowship, the Idaho Commission for Libraries (Idaho’s State Library agency) created a statewide initiative emphasizing mid-life adult programming in Idaho’s public libraries. This presentation will share the ideas, successes, and collaborative opportunities encountered in developing this idea as well as ongoing plans. Erica Compton and Sue Walker, ID
Active Learning ~ Teaching Critical Thinking and Evaluation Skills Librarians often struggle with how to teach critical thinking and evaluation skills in a library instruction setting, while simultaneously covering necessary information and keeping students engaged. Active learning is a pedagogical method that increases student learning and promotes transfer of concepts learned to future research. We applied this method by developing a hands-on, small group activity in which students evaluate the content, credibility, and classification of various periodical articles. Presenters will introduce the concepts of active learning, discuss how a specific activity was developed and implemented at the University of Idaho, and facilitate a sample hands-on activity. Kristin Henrich and Diane Prorak, ID
Collective Insight—Driven by Shared Data In recent years organizations have begun utilizing data in new and exciting ways. Phrases like “linked data,” “big data,” and “data visualization” have permeated these discussions, signaling a broader trend toward data-driven insight and integration of libraries into the wider Web. Data is an essential driver of success. What do we know about our collections and resources, who uses them, and how? How do we share and use data within libraries and the information industry to gain greater insight? How do we utilize this data to reach out our users on the web? Eric Forte, OH
Using Technology to Serve Multicultural Populations This presentation will look at the impact of recent technologies on our ability to serve multicultural populations. It will highlight the ways in which technology solutions can be used to provide better service to diverse populations, and it will also examine the different levels of technological experience and needs within multicultural communities. Emphasis will be given to solutions that use existing technologies in new ways, emphasize freeware or open-source software, as well as those that are adaptable to a range of skill levels or patron needs. Dr. Andrew Smith, KS
Love Your Keyboard! Professional Writing for Librarians Writing is hard. In a world of email, texting, and tweeting we communicate more through writing than ever before, but composing even a short article can be a big challenge. Fortunately, the benefits are substantial. For library workers, professional writing enables us to disseminate information about the good work we do, and creates new collaborative opportunities. In this workshop, experienced writer-librarians will lead participants through exercises intended to facilitate the writing process, from generating ideas and planning a project to seeking and submitting to publication venues. Participants will work in groups to develop ideas for new writing projects. Emily Ford, OR and Kim Leeder, ID
Making Libraries Relevant to Teen Parents Libraries can offer teen parents the resources and knowledge to realize their personal goals, support them as their child’s first teachers, and prepare them and their children for success in the future.Learn how to meet the diverse needs of this population, by recognizing the duality of the teen parent's roles as both teen and parent. Practical program ideas on topics such as life skills, parenting, and early literacy and learning, will be provided, as well as service planning and the development of community partnerships. Ellin Klor, CA
Makerspacing Libraries Makerspaces are sweeping across the nation with people actively seeking the space and opportunities to work with others in creating something new with science and technology. Libraries are establishing their role as a leading institution in change and innovation. We will present some of the ways libraries are implementing Makerspaces to engage community participation and creativity. Nick Grove, Travis Porter, and Jennifer Redford, ID
Collaborate to Thrive Not Just Survive Public and academic libraries (including a university plus technical, community and tribal colleges) in Whatcom County (population: 201,140), have entered into a unique partnership to expand access to library materials and services to the community. Through “One Card,” community members can borrow materials from any library and return them to any library, as well as determine availability through a joint catalog scope set up in WorldCat. Public library connections have been established by the public libraries at the academic libraries, allowing holds to be picked up, effectively creating virtual branches. The libraries have collaborated on a “One Book” reading project (kick-started by a state library grant) now in its 5th year, which has created a county-wide community of readers. In June 2012 the group sponsored an annual 6-library professional develop day. More ideas are on the way, including exploration of an integrated library system. Jane Blume, Pam Kiesner, and Linda Lambert, WA
Reading the Region: 2012 – 2013 Award Books and Programs in the Pacific Northwest Join members of the PNLA Board and others for a rapid round of book talks featuring award-winning titles for 2012-2013 from Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, and Washington. Fiction and non-fiction for all ages and interests will be previewed and displayed. Award programs and reading initiatives from throughout the region will be highlighted. Jan Zauha, MT
Librarians Building Community Join fellow conference attendees for a rewarding Friday morning of assisting a local organization! The Boys and Girls Club of Ada County need our help organizing their Club library. After a short tour of the facility, volunteers will sort the collection, property stamp books, color coordinate reading levels, and hang signs and posters. It is a chance to give back and meet others from around the region. Kristi Brumley, ID

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