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Pacific Northwest Library Association

2017 Conference Sessions

2017 Conference Logo

Preconference Sessions

Super Librarians Present Super Fabulous Programs for Kids and Teens
Presenter: Karen Yother, Youth Services Coordinator, Community Library Network

Communicating Within the Culture of Poverty
Presenter: Amy Yardley, Yardley Training and Consulting

Conference Sessions

Breakout Session A

A1 Core Voices: Infusing Indigenous perspectives in library collections
Presenters: Ginny Norris Blackson Head of Collection Development, Central Washington University, James E. Brooks Library

A2 Developing dynamic leadership for your library
Presenter: Gavin J. Woltjer, director Billings (MT) Public Library

A3 Librarians and faculty in the sandbox
Presenter: Page Brannon, Associate Professor, Head Instruction and Research Services, University of Alaska Anchorage

A4 She Works Hard for the Money: Grants and community collaboration to diversify library funding
Presenters: Vanessa Strange, Librarian, Spokane County Library District; Ellen Peters, Community Engagement Manager, Spokane Public Library; and Rae-Lynn Barden, Administrative Services Coordinator Spokane Public Library

Breakout Session B

B1 Putting the FUN in Fundamentals
Presenters: Ken Nesbitt, former Children's Poet Laureate and Kelly Milner Halls, award-winning "weird" nonfiction author

B2 Social Justice in the library
Presenters: Leah Griffin, Librarian University Prep and Jennifer Wooten, Teen Services, King County Library System

B3 History in the Making: 3D Scanning and 3D Printing Library Archival Collections
Presenters: Annie Gaines, Kristin Henrich, Erin Passehl-Stoddart, and Ashlyn Velte, University of Idaho The University of Idaho Library opened the Making, Innovating, and Learning Laboratory (the MILL)

B4 Access, Inclusion, and Disaster Planning via TV Whitespace Technology
Presenters: Kristen R. Rebmann and Don Means San Jose State University

Breakout Session C

C1 Re-imagining Every Child Ready to Read for the digital age
Presenters: Walter Zicha Jr., acquisitions and collection management and Patricia Lesku, digital and children's services, North Vancouver City Library

C2 It's not bragging if it's true!
Presenters: Patrick Bodily, Idaho Commission for Libraries Library Consultant/State

C3 AAPI month ‘May’ just bring people together: Promoting cultural awareness through cultural events and campus partnerships
Presenters: Qing Meade & Pui-Yan Lam, Diversity and Inclusion Librarian & Associate Dean of College of Social Sciences, Eastern Washington University

C4 Developing a Tech Talk week for a small rural library
Presenter: Molly Kumar, Librarian, Ada Community Library, Victory Branch

Breakout Session D

D1 Libraries Connecting Readers with young adult and middle-grade authors
Presenters: Amy L. Sonnichsen (Red Butterfly), Maureen McQuerry (The Peculiars), Stephen Wallenfels (The Pods), and Mary Cronk Farrell (Fannie Never Flinched)

D2 Raising your non-fiction Lazarus from the dead
Presenters: Walter Zicha Jr., acquisitions and collection management and Patricia Lesku, digital and children's services, North Vancouver City Library

D3 Cleaning it up: how migrating to a new library system exposes "dirty" catalog data
Presenter: Amy Foster, Head of Resource Description and Metadata Services, Montana State University

D4 Learn from the things that stuck
Presenters: Deana Brown, Assistant Professor/LibrarianBoise State University; Rasheil Stanger, Librarian, Valley of the Tetons Library; and Nick Madsen, Youth Services Specialist, Community Library Network at Hayden

Breakout Session E

E1 Why music in the library?
Presenter: Cherie Millsap, Youth Services Specialist, Community Library Network

E2 Untitled Leadership for the Unauthorized Revolution
Presenter: Erin Downey, Boise School District Consulting Librarian

E3 Supporting Parenting Students at the Academic Library
Presenter: Kelsey Keyes, Assistant Professor/Librarian, Albertsons Library, Boise State University

E4 Reimagine in a Repair Café in Your Library
Presenter: Tatiana Tilly, Red Deer Public Library, Manager - Dawe Branch

Breakout Session F

F1 Putting the 'A' in STEAM
Presenter: Morgan Chevalley, Community Library Network

F2 Look, Listen, Touch: Connecting with Your Community Through Art
Presenter: Brian Hulsey, South Whatcom Manager

F3 Reimagining Library Services through Service Blueprinting
Presenters: Jacqueline Frank, Learning & Research Services and Taylor Schultz, Commons Assistant Montana State University

F4 Virtual reality at the library
Presenter William Nation, public services manager; Eliza Kkrumpe, Information Services Librarian, and Kate Radford, Assistant Supervisor, Information Services Boise Public Library

Breakout Session G

G1 Summer Reading - using open source and collaborating with your neighbors
Presenter: Sally Chilson, Learning & Literacy Coordinator, Spokane Public Library

G2 Reading the Region 2016-2017
Presenter: Jan Zauha, Montana State University Outreach, Instruction, and Research Librarian

G3 Creating brave spaces to address diversity issues Presenter: Samantha Hines, Associate Dean of Instructional Resources and Library Director, Peninsula College

G4 Renew and Reimagine your spaces with library space assessment
Presenters: Bruce Godfrey, U of I Library; John Hartung, Director Community Library Network; Rick Stoddart, U of I Library; Lyn Drewien M.L.I.S., Hailey Public Library

Breakout Session H

H1 Beauty and the Beak
Presenter: Janie Veltkamp

H2 Don’t Panic! Managing library anxiety with a library survival guide
Presenter: Chris Springer, Librarian Grays Harbor College

H3 Being in the Middle of a Food Fight: Information Literacy and the Paradox of Studying Literature
Presenters: Toby Widdicombe and Page Brannon

H4 Pathways to Leadership
Presenters: Bette Ammon, Coeur d’Alene Public Library, Erin Downey, Boise School District, & Rick Stoddart, University of Idaho Library


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