Leading from a Distance: Library Leadership During Pandemic is a poster in the 2020 PNLA Virtual Poster Session. We encourage you to engage in discussion by leaving a comment on the page. The author of the poster will respond to comments the week of August 4-7, 2020.
Presenters: Amanda Clark & Sophia Du Val
Track: Academic LibraryLibrary leadership and vision-casting is challenging under the best of circumstances. During a pandemic it intensifies those challenges, requiring leaders to make difficult budgetary and employment decisions and then communicate those via zoom and other remote tools.
This poster will outline the skills drawn on to support personnel and programming during a time of unprecedented change. Viewers of the poster will leave with ideas regarding leadership skills they can employ in their own libraries. This poster draws upon both personal experience in library leadership during COVID-19, as well as upon the way libraries within the Pacific Northwest reshaped how they deliver their services to their user communities, even when their doors were closed.
Even while navigating uncharted territory library directors throughout our region drew upon an impressive skillset, which will be outlined and shared with the hopes that best-practices may be shared. The poster will also consider what long-term impacts the pandemic may have on library programming, behaviors, and staffing. Recreating a sense of community was paramount to leaders, not only including the library-user community, but within the library itself, with personnel coming together in new and innovative ways. These and other immediate takeaways will be the center of this poster, which will highlight lessons learned in the academic library context over the past three months.
Amanda C. R. Clark (amandaclark@whitworth.edu) is chair elect of the Orbis Cascade Alliance and library director at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington.
Sophia Du Val (sduval@pratt.edu) recently completely her library degree at Pratt Institute in New York.
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