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Pacific Northwest Library Association

Making the Connection: Computational Thinking and Early Learning for Young Children and Their Families

Making the Connection: Computational Thinking and Early Learning for Young Children and Their Families is a poster in the 2020 PNLA Virtual Poster Session. We encourage you to engage in discussion by leaving a comment on the page. The author of the poster will respond to comments the week of August 4-7, 2020.

Presenters: Claudia Haines, Jacqueline Kociubuk, Kathleen Campana, & Paula Langsam

Track: Public & School Libraries


Curious about computational thinking (CT) for young children? Want to offer play-based learning experiences (digital and offline) for families that introduce key CT concepts alongside early literacy and math? Come learn more about PLA’s new white paper on computational thinking for young children and their families.


*While audio is embedded into the slides, speaker notes for this presentation are available by clicking on the settings icon.
About the Presenters:

Claudia Haines is the Youth Services Librarian at the Homer Public Library. She supports the diverse learning needs of youth and families with dynamic programs and access to great media of all kinds. She works on projects locally and nationally that support families and literacy in a connected world. Contact Claudia at nevershushed@gmail.com

Jacqueline Kociubuk, is a Youth Services Librarian in northeast Ohio. Her research is centered around inclusive experiences in children’s literature and library programming, non-traditional learning environments for youth, and public library outreach. Contact Jacqueline at jkociubu@kent.edu

Kathleen Campana, PhD, is an assistant professor at Kent State University’s School of Information. Her research focuses on understanding the learning that occurs for children, youth, and families in informal and digital learning environments and how those environments support and impact the learning process. Contact Kathleen at kcampan2@kent.edu

Paula Langsam is the Youth Services Manager at the Martin Luther King Memorial Library at DC Public Libraries. She provides service to all community members with a programmatic focus on youth and families. She began exploring how to incorporate computational thinking into public library work in 2017. Contact Paula at pmlangsam@gmail.com

Categories: Literacy and Instruction | Public Library | School Library

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