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Pacific Northwest Library Association

What Can OER Advocates Learn from the Traditional Faculty Textbook Adoption Experience?

What Can OER Advocates Learn from the Traditional Faculty Textbook Adoption Experience? is a poster in the 2020 PNLA Virtual Poster Session. We encourage you to engage in discussion by leaving a comment on the page. The author of the poster will respond to comments the week of August 4-7, 2020.


Jylisa Doney, & Jessica Martinez, Rick Stoddart

Track: Academic Library


Previous research has demonstrated the positive impacts that Open Educational Resources (OER) can have on student retention and learning, but these connections may not be compelling enough to persuade faculty to adopt OER resources in lieu of traditional textbooks and materials. What are OER advocates missing? What could OER advocates do better or differently? To be successful with OER, it is important to understand not only what OER is replicating or replacing in the classroom, but also understand the whole faculty experience around textbook adoption. How do faculty hear about textbooks? How do vendors communicate with faculty? What are faculty expectations when interacting with new textbooks? This poster reports on a campus survey of faculty and their experiences and expectations regarding textbooks adoption. The results of the survey suggest some lessons OER advocates can learn from when interacting with faculty about textbook selection options such as OER.


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About the Presenters: 

Jylisa Doney (jylisadoney@uidaho.edu) is the Social Sciences Librarian at the University of Idaho.

Jessica Martinez (jessicamartinez@uidaho.edu) is the Science Librarian at the University of Idaho.

Rick Stoddart (ricks@uoregon.edu) is the Assessment Coordinator at University of Oregon.

We are all OER advocates.

Categories: Collections and Publishing | Academic Library

Pacific Northwest Library Association 

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