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Pacific Northwest Library Association

Tell Your Story: Encouraging Young Writers to Share Their Voices

Tell Your Story: Encouraging Young Writers to Share Their Voices is a poster in the 2020 PNLA Virtual Poster Session. We encourage you to engage in discussion by leaving a comment on the page. The author of the poster will respond to comments the week of August 4-7, 2020.

Presenter: Patricia Lesku

Track: Public & School Libraries


Tell Your Story gives young writers and artists in West Vancouver the chance to turn their original projects into real ebooks that can be checked out by anyone with a WVML card. It aims to:
  • Pair inspiration with action: take a young artist’s idea and help them turn it into something shareable
  • Empower young people to create and share their original stories
  • Amplify young voices in our community
  • Help young creators form a community in West Vancouver

Tell Your Story is generously supported by the West Vancouver Memorial Foundation


Supporting Material:
About the Presenter:

Patricia is a Digital Access Librarian with the West Vancouver Memorial Library. A passionate teacher for more than 20 years, she is always looking for creative ways to use technology to inspire learners of all ages -- especially young writers.

Chat with the Presenter:
Patricia will be available to chat in real time via comments, Thursday, August 6, 9:00am-10:30am (Pacific time). Can't make it during these times? Don't worry! Leave a comment and she will get back to you.

Categories: Partnerships and Connections | Public Library | School Library

Pacific Northwest Library Association 

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